Lew Andrews Biography

Despite growing up at a time when it was increasingly fashionable to look down on faith and religion, Dr. Lew Andrews always believed in a deeper spiritual reality – and of the need to connect that reality to emotional health and even public policy.

Over the years, he has gained considerable experience in all three worlds: as a social psychologist with degrees from Princeton and Stanford, as a Research Fellow at the Yale Divinity School, and as executive director of the Yankee Institute for Public Policy at Trinity College, Hartford.

Dr. Andrews currently combines all his interests in a very practical way as president of the Children’s Educational Opportunity Foundation of Connecticut, an educational scholarship program for poor and minority children.

Over the years he has authored many popular and professional works, including Requiem for Democracy? (Holt), Man Controlled (Free Press), To Thine Own Self Be True (Doubleday), the science fiction novel Gomorrah (Doubleday), and most recently Living Spiritually in the Material World (Fidelis Books). His articles have appeared in such diverse publications as the Wall Street Journal, Nation, National Review, American Conservative, Professional Counselor, The Federalist, and Real Clear Policy.

He considers his greatest honor the invitation to keynote the Annual Clergy Conference at Johns Hopkins Medical School.


View books by Lew Andrews, who's current interests focus on the interface of religion, psychology, and public policy.

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The triquetra is the ancient Christian symbol for wisdom.