- “Churches Bring School Choice to Every State,” American Spectator (November 23, 2023).
- “The Counterintuitive Reason Legacy Media Leans Left,” American Conservative (November 20, 2024).
- “Churches Take Homeschooling in a Surprising Direction,” American Conservative (September 6, 2024).
- “The One Bright Side of the Looming Debt Crisis,” Spectator World (August 15, 2024).
- “How to Help Recovering Progressives,” American Thinker (June 28, 2024).
- “Leftist Colleges Tend to Produce Leftist Scientific Studies,” American Spectator (June 11, 2024).
- “The Good News about the Left’s Growing Resort to Intimidation,” Spectator World (May 27, 2024).
- “Why Are the Charities Enabling Illegal Immigration Still Tax-Exempt?” American Conservative (April 28, 2024).
- “K-12 School Choice Will Improve Higher Education,” American Spectator (April 13, 2024).
- “The Secret History of the School Choice Left,” Spectator World (April 4, 2024).
- “The Generations We Piled with Debt Are Here – and Rightly Disturbed,” American Conservative (April 2, 2024).
- “Micro-school Incentives Could Stem Commercial Real Estate Crisis,” American Spectator (March 16, 2024).
- “How to Actually Drain the Swamp?” American Conservative (February 23, 2024).
- “The Trouble with the Progressives’ Proposed Wealth Tax,” Spectator World (February 13, 2024).
- “Christian Nationalism Benefits All Americans,” American Spectator (February 4, 2024).
- “The Real Reason People Are Flocking to Red States,” Spectator World (January 9, 2024).
- “Soaring Debt Will Fracture the Democrat Party,” American Spectator (December 31, 2023).
- “The U.S. Debt Is Getting Uglier — And That’s the Plan,” American Conservative (December 16, 2023).
- “Biased Remedies,” Salvo (Number 67, Winter 2023), pp. 14-15.
- “How Progressivism Locks the Left into a Suicide Pact,” Spectator World (December 8, 2023).
- “Solzhenitsyn: Defeat Progressivism Through Conversation,” American Spectator (November 27, 2023).
- “As America’s Fiscal Storm Approaches, Government Prepares to Save Itself,” Spectator World (November 2, 2023).
- “When College Presidents Were America’s Conscience,” American Conservative (October 30, 2023).
- “What Exactly Is the New Space Race All About?” Spectator World (September 30, 2023).
- “The Coming of K-12 School Choice Will Also Change Higher Education,” American Conservative (September 27, 2023).
- “What Will It Take for Blue States to Adopt School Choice?” The Federalist (September 14, 2023).
- “Government Therapy,” Salvo (Number 66, Fall 2023), pp. 16-17.
- “The Great Untethering,” American Thinker (August 31, 2023).
- “Fearful Worship of a Climate Idol,” American Conservative (August 21, 2023).
- “Biden’s Green Agenda Pokes a Big Hole in America’s Social Safety Net,” Spectator World (August 19, 2023).
- “Progressivism Is Aggravating America’s Mental Health Crisis,” American Spectator (July 26, 2023).
- “The Classic Psychology Text That Predicted Today’s Urban Decay,” American Thinker (July 18, 2023).
- “How AI Could Shrink Government,” Spectator World (July 3, 2023).
- “School Choice Will Supercharge the American Economy,” American Thinker (June 20, 2023).
- “Not Fooling Anyone,” American Conservative (May 20, 2023).
- “Forget Electric Cars: America Should Invest in Electric Roads,” Spectator World (May 14,2023).
- “Will School Choice Destroy the Democratic Party?” Spectator World (April 17, 2023).
- “Public Sector Unions Threaten Our Fiscal Future,” American Conservative (March 31, 2023).
- “The Lack of Trust in Joe Biden’s Government Is Dangerous,” Spectator World (March 3, 2023).
- “How Teachers’ Unions Could Unwittingly Usher in School Choice,” Spectator World (February 15, 2023).
- “The Doomsday Clock Has Been Corrupted by Ideology,” Spectator World (February 6, 2023).
- “Pandemic Schools and Religious Renewal,” National Affairs (Number 54, Winter 2023), pp. 25-35.
- “How the Population Scare Predicted Today’s Climate Hysteria,” Spectator World (January 12, 2023).
- “Fusion Energy and the Coming Fight for the Moon,” Spectator World (December 30, 2022).
- “What Did the Midterms Really Tell Us?” American Conservative (December 21, 2922).
- “How Hating Big Oil Undermines the Environment,” Spectator World (December 11, 2022).
- “The Dysfunction of Big Education,” American Conservative (October 15, 2022).
- “Just How ‘Over’ Is the Pandemic?” Spectator World (October 5, 2022).
- “The Culture War Inside the Space Program,” Spectator World (September 1).
- “Universal School Choice Would Transform Real Estate,” Spectator World (August 21, 2022).
- “The Democrats’ Weak Bench,” American Conservative (August 3, 2022).
- “The post-Covid Mental Health Crisis,” Spectator World (June 15, 2022).
- “Beyond Our Fragile Shelter: The Case for Colonizing Mars,” New Oxford Review (June 2022), pp. 20-24.
- “Biden’s Dishonest Tax Obsession,” American Conservative (June 2, 2022).
- “Why Are Government Unions Never the Bad Guy?” Spectator World (May 9, 2022).
- “How Government Overreach Bred Covid Skepticism,” Spectator World (April 28, 2022).
- “Biden’s Own Goals,” American Conservative (March 23, 2022).
- “What Should We Pray for Regarding Ukraine?” American Thinker (March 20, 2022).
- “Why a Post-Covid World Might Not Be So Bad,” Spectator World (February 22, 2022).
- “How Working from Home Threatens Authoritarian Regimes,” Spectator World (January 24, 2022).
- “Inflation Might Spell Doom for Wokeness,” American Conservative (January 17, 2022).
- “The Rise of the Second-String Left,” Spectator World (December 9, 2021).
- “Progressivism’s Silver Linings,” American Conservative (November 5, 2021).
- “The Benefits of Blue State Bankruptcy,” American Thinker (October 12, 2021).
- “Why Aren’t Men Going to College?” American Conservative (September 28, 2021).
- “The Wuhan Coverup Is More Typical Than You Think,” Spectator USA (September 17, 2021).
- “Progressivism as Camouflage,” American Conservative. (September 7, 2021).
- “Bidenstein,” American Thinker (August 24, 2021).
- “Red States Should Worry about Education Reform, Not Their New Neighbors from Blue States,” Real Clear Policy (July 15, 2021).
- “Three Hard Facts That Doom Woke Public Schooling,” American Thinker (July 9, 2021).
- “Toward a Critical Woke Theory,” American Conservative (June 1, 2021).
- “What Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography Can Teach Us About Humility,” The Federalist (May 13, 2021).
- “The Other Problem with Woke Schooling: It’s Psychological Child Abuse,” Real Clear Policy (April 6, 2021).
- “Mistrusted Institutions Are Pushing America Into a Debt Crisis,” American Conservative (March 12, 2021).
- “Identity Politics Is Just a Mask for the Left’s Utter Ineptitude at Solving Real Problems,” The Federalist (February 25, 2021).
- “The Public-School Monopoly Is Immoral,” American Conservative (February 4, 2021).
- “When Education Reform Is a Fiscal Windfall,” Real Clear Policy (January 6, 2021).
- “Thanks to COVID, a Renaissance in Religious Schooling,” American Conservative (December 9, 2020).
- “Rebirth of America’s Spiritual Psychology — Part II, New Oxford Review (December, 2020), pp. 24-28.
- “Rebirth of America’s Spiritual Psychology — Part I,” New Oxford Review (November, 2020), pp. 22-26.
- “Slavery Reparations? We Already Tried Them And They Didn’t Work,” American Conservative (October 17, 2020).
- “Just Like Freud’s Psychoanalysis, Critical Race Theory Will Ultimately Collapse,” The Federalist (September 23, 2020).
- “Trading Social Science for Social Intimidation,” American Conservative (September 10, 2020).
- “How the Replication Crisis Undermines Government by Bureaucracy,” The Federalist (August 19, 2020).
- “America’s Faithful Are Better Prepared for the Coming Anti-Government Rage,” American Thinker (June 23, 2020).
- “Our Pain in Isolation Presents a Chance for Spiritual Re-Awakening,” The Federalist (June 20, 2020).
- Living Spiritually in the Material World. New York, Fidelis Books, 2020.
- “Taking God Back to Work,” The Christian Post (June 11, 2020).
- “The Subtle Tyranny of the ‘Expert’ Class,” American Conservative (May 11, 2020).
- “The Spiritual Remedy for Self-Quarantine Cabin Fever,” The Christian Post (April 17, 2020).
- “America’s Early College Presidents and the Coronavirus,” The Christian Post (March 31, 2020).
- “How America’s Looming Debt Crisis Could Spark the Next Great Awakening,” The Federalist (January 16, 2020).
- “In the Coming Crisis, Bad Bureaucrats Will Be the First to Go,” American Conservative (January 13, 2020).
- “Elizabeth Warren Flipped, Then Flopped, on School Choice,” American Conservative (November 14, 2019).
- “Public School Cronyism Is Fueling the Pension Crisis,” American Conservative (August 13, 2019).
- “Russian Totalitarianism’s Bravest Dissidents Explain How to Defeat Socialism,” The Federalist (July 25, 2019).
- “School Choice Can Help Financially Troubled States,” Real Clear Policy (March 12, 2019).
- “How Americans’ Social Distrust Points the Way to Religious Revival,” The Federalist (January 23, 2019).
- “The Culture War Over Our Fiscal Crisis,” American Conservative (January 22, 2019).
- “Psychology Finally Finds God,” American Conservative (December 10, 2018).
- “How the Looming Public Pensions Crisis Could Be a Boon for Religious Schools,” PJ Media (November 7, 2018).
- “When the U.S. Goes Bankrupt, Here’s Who gets Out with the Least Pain,” The Federalist (October 28, 2018).
- “The Pension Crisis Is Starting to Hit Home. School Choice Might Be the Only Answer,” National Review (January 26, 2018).
- “Will Tax Reform Spur States to Embrace School Choice?” Real Clear Policy (January 16, 2018).
- “Today’s Education Reforms Benefit Religion Too,” Religion & Liberty, volume 27, number 4 (November 20, 2017).
- “How School Choice Can Solve States’ Huge Debt and Pension Woes,” The Federalist (November 20, 2017).
- “Finding God on a Mars Colony,” Wall Street Journal (November 17, 2017).
- “The Moral Case for Letting Connecticut Go Under,” Real Clear Policy (May 26, 2017).
- “We’re Afraid of Robots Because We Don’t Believe in God,” The Federalist (May 24, 2017).
- “Why Pay Full Pensions to Unions That Bankrupted Taxpayers’ Pockets and Kids’ Minds?” The Federalist (February 11, 2017).
- “Did Connecticut’s Governor Just Admit His State Is Bankrupt?” The Daily Caller (February 8, 2017).
- “Public Pension Crisis Bodes Il for Coastal Democrats,” Real Clear Policy (February 1, 2017).
- “Good News about Public Pension Bad News,” Real Clear Policy (November 18, 2016).
- “Why Trump Survives His Exaggerations and Improprieties,” The Daily Caller (September 26, 2016).
- “Save Public Pensions with School Choice,” Real Clear Policy (September 9, 2016).
- “Nuclear Waste: Human Danger or Hidden Opportunity,” Real Clear Energy (August 23, 2016).
- “What Potential VP Pick Warren Doesn’t Want Democrats to Know,” The Daily Caller (July 7, 2016).
- “Don’t Surrender to the Robots,” American Conservative (June 13, 2016).
- “Political Correctness Is a Mask for Leftists’ Intellectual Insecurity,” The Federalist (February 12, 2016).
- “Climate Change Solution from the Moon,” Real Clear Policy (December 1, 2015).
- “How Moon Gas Could Solve Climate Change,” The Federalist (November 11, 2015).
- “Getting Kids Out of Dangerous Schools,” Real Clear Policy (November 9, 2015).
- “Why Low Interest Rates Mean Big Bills,” The Federalist (October 19, 2015).
- “Democrats’ Income Inequality Theme Betrays a Fatal Party Weakness,” The Daily Caller (October 12, 2015).
- “School Choice Can Help Quell Urban Violence,” The Daily Caller (September 28, 2015).
- “Robots Don’t Mean the End of Human Labor,” Wall Street Journal. (August 24, 2015), p. A13.
- “Why Connecticut Is Self-Destructing,” Real Clear Policy (June 9, 2015).
- “Obamacare’s Most Hated (and Best) Part,” Real Clear Policy (February 12, 2015).
- “Elizabeth Warren’s Achilles Heel: Her Support for School Choice,” The Federalist (January 15, 2015).
- “Free Community College Is Already Here,” Real Clear Policy (January 13, 2015).
- “The Other Sixties Revolution Has Unexpectedly Returned,” The Federalist (January 6, 2015).
- “An Ideological Victory Over the Castro Brothers Is Not Enough,” The American Spectator (December 23, 2014).
- “Make Offers to Public Employees They Can’t Refuse,” The American Spectator (October 31, 2014).
- “Why the Nationwide Pension Crisis Is an Opportunity to Reinvigorate Society,” The Federalist (September 26, 2014).
- “In Praise of Limousine Liberals,” The American Spectator (August 22, 2014).
- “Public Pensions: Making Good on Bad Promises,” Real Clear Policy (August 18, 2014).
- “Fiscal Crisis and the Fate of Liberalism,” (June 28, 2014).
- “Big Spending on School Infrastructure Is Bad Policy,” (April 12, 2014).
- “The Real Social Darwinists,” (August 20, 2013).
- “Fiscal Reformer as Spiritual Healer,” (July 14, 2013).
- Beyond Depression. Minneapolis, Think Piece Publishing, 2013.
- “Character Formation and the Origins of A.A.,” The New Atlantis. (Winter-Spring, 2013), pp. 100-111.
- “How Local Politics Has Been Undermined,” Real Clear Policy (January 2, 2013).
- “The Hidden Revolution in Online Learning,” Wall Street Journal. (December 27, 2012), p. A13.
- “Human Trafficking: The Other Good Reason to Reform Immigration,” The Freeman. (November, 2012), pp. 6-8.
- “How to Cut Spending at the Grass Roots,” Wall Street Journal. (October 27, 2012), p. A13.
- “The High Cost of Government Waste,” The American. (January 12, 2012).
- “Meet the Suburban Parents: the Other Obstacle to School Reform,” The American Spectator. (June, 2011), pp. 24-27.
- “Religious Alternatives to the Public Sector,” The American. (May 24, 2011).
- “Liberal Self-dealing and Financial Crises,” Investor’s Business Daily. (January 5, 2011), p. A11.
- “A Presidential Tax Cut for Liberal Elites,” Investor’s Business Daily. (September 20, 2010), p. A19.
- “Europe’s Phony War on Tax Evasion,” Human (February 13, 2010).
- “The Unseen Culprits in America’s Financial Crisis,” Human (January 21, 2009).
- How to Reduce Property Taxes with a Citizens Audit Committee (collaboration), Yankee Institute (June, 2009).
- “Connecticut Faces a School Tax Revolt,” Wall Street Journal. (August 23-34, 2008), p. A9.
- The Coming Showdown with Public Labor, Yankee Institute (June, 2008).
- “The Coming Showdown with Public Labor,” Human (March 12, 2008).
- “Yankee Ingenuity” (with Daniel Gressel), Wall Street Journal. (July 1, 2007), p. A6.
- Free College for High School Students, Yankee Institute (January, 2007).
- “The Coming Crisis in Suburban Schooling,” The American Enterprise. (July / August, 2006), pp. 26-28. Research funded in part by the State Think Tank Fund.
- “The Special Education Scare,” in D. Salisbury & J. Tooley, eds., What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries. Washington, DC; Cato Institute; 2005.
- “School Choice and the Mainline Protestant Future,” Faith & Freedom. (Summer, 2005), pp. 18-20.
- “Separate the Professions from the State,” The Freeman. (December, 2004), pp. 16-20. Research funded in part by a grant from the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.
- The Early Graduation Reward Plan: Helping High School Students Mature While Municipalities Reduce Spending, Yankee Institute (October, 2004). Research funded in part by a grant from the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.
- “What Would Be Left of Social Democracy without the Right,” Investor’s Business Daily. (August 3, 2004), p. A14. Research funded by the Yankee Charitable Trust.
- “Benefits of Choice Go Beyond Schools and Into Economy,” Investor’s Business Daily. (June 7, 2004), p. A18. Research funded in part by a grant from the Roe Foundation.
- “Magic Bullet,” The American Enterprise. (October-November, 2003), pp. 42-43. Research funded in part by a grant from the Jaquelin Hume Foundation.
- “More Choices for Disabled Kids: Lessons from Abroad,” Policy Review. (April-May, 2002), pp. 41-52. Research funded by a grant from the Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation.
- “Christianity and the Space Program,” New Oxford Review. (January, 2002), pp. 14-24.
- “Private Ratings,” The National Review. (September 25, 1995), pp. 81-83.
- “Religion’s Challenge to Psychology,” Public Interest. (Summer, 1995), pp. 79+. Reprinted in Current.
- “These Think Tanks Think Small,” Christian Science Monitor. (June 27, 1995), opinion/essay page.
- Spirituality and Competition. Center City (MN), Hazelden, 1994.
- Growing Wiser. Center City (MN), Hazelden, 1994.
- “From Churches: a New Kind of Healing,” Wall Street Journal. (July 5, 1994), op ed page (p. A-12).
- “Will Organized Religion Take Over Addiction Treatment?” Professional Counselor. (June, 1994), pp. 26-33.
- “Ethical Therapy,” New Realities. (January-February, 1989), pp. 33-39.
- To Thine Own Self Be True: the Relationship between Spiritual Values & Emotional Health. New York, Doubleday, 1987 (revised ’89).
- Psychology, What’s in It for Us?: an Introductory Text (senior author). New York, Random House, 1976.
- Gomorrah (novel; 2nd author). New York, Doubleday Science Fiction, 1974.
- Biofeedback (2nd author). Philadelphia, Lippincott (now Harper-Collins), 1973.
- “Communes and the Work Crisis,” Nation. (November 9, 1970), pp. 460-463.
- Requiem for Democracy?: Inquiry into the Limits of Behavior Control (1st author). NY, Holt-Rinehart,1970.
Books By Lewis Andrews
Dr. Andrews is a Connecticut-based writer, whose current interest is the interface of religion, psychology, and public policy. His work has been featured in many publications including The Wall Street Journal, The Federalist, and American Conservative, as well as many academic journals.
Published by Fidelis Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
Living Spiritually in the Material World
A Christian self-help book based on the lost teaching of America’s early college presidents who—from the founding of Harvard in 1636 until the early twentieth century—inspired the most optimistic, prosperous, and generous society in history.
For every believer yearning for the meaning and satisfaction of a closer relationship with God in the larger world.
Dr. Lewis Andrews shows us how to lead lives of greater courage, resilience, and grace.
Living Spiritually in the Material World is a surprising and delightful book. Lewis Andrews has done us a great service by discovering and reflecting on classic insights that will help us, even today, to live with spiritual meaning in our everyday lives.
A fascinating study of the spiritual wisdom of early college presidents in U.S. history, which Andrews translates for today’s modern audience.
Living Spiritually in the Material World goes beyond self-help to real personal transformation.
Tony Ingle, presidentGeneral Dynamics Faith and Hope Employee Resource Group
Lew Andrews has given us a thoughtful book of lessons to help make sense of today’s turbulent and confusing times.
Dr. Laura Forese, chief operating officerNew York Presbyterian Hospital
A must read for those who want to live out their faith through their vocational calling. This is a very important part to the ‘faith and work’ story that has not been told.
Hugh Whelchel, executive directorInstitute for Faith, Work & Economics
Living Spiritually in the Material World is very important …. Well researched and thoughtful efforts to bring to light what we can all sense but didn’t have the objective perspective.
Jeff Rogers, chairmanOneAccord Capital
An engaging and enlightening book that combines the moral and spiritual wisdom of previous generations of college and university presidents in America with findings of contemporary psychology.
Dr. Corwin Smidt, senior fellowHenry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics
At a time of national moral decline, when there is growing skepticism about the value of our militantly secular and hideously expensive institutions of higher education, Lewis Andrews’s Living Spiritually in the Material World will turn your head with a dazzling and hopeful insight.
Prof. Wilfred M. McClay, G.T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of LibertyUniversity of Oklahoma
In Living Spiritually in the Material World, Lewis Andrews sketches out what could make our communities stronger: faith, community, civility.
Amity Shlaesformer member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board and author of Coolidge
An unlikely page-turner, deftly blending history, biography, theology, psychology, storytelling, social commentary, and good counsel. A book to read, reread, mark up, ponder on, and live by.
John Andrews (no relation to author), former presidentColorado State Senate
Published by Doubleday.
To Thine Own Self Be True
The relationship between spiritual values and emotion health.
“One of the most valuable, enlightening books I have ever read.”
-Hugh Prather
author, Notes to Myself
author, Notes to Myself