Lew Andrews

The Destructive Collusion Between Government and Academia

n the 1970s, Irving Kristol began to document a disturbing consequence of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, which, among other things, had funded large numbers of social scientists to research the best ways government might help poor and minority families. Despite the optimistic titles on the studies, a close analysis of the programs they […]

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Solzhenitsyn’s Wisdom: Defeat Progressivism with Conversation

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the growing antisemitism on America’s campuses is just how long those in the best position to do something about it — alumni, major donors, the legislative overseers of state schools, students’ parents, and less radical professors — continued to overlook its motivating ideology. Academic sympathy for doing whatever it

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When College Presidents Were America’s Conscience

As anger grows over the unwillingness of so many college and university presidents to unambiguously condemn Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, it is helpful to understand the unique role that these academic leaders once played in American history. Their legacy continues to generate an expectation of intellectual and moral leadership which has always been

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The Great Detachment

The spread of school choice and rise of remote work are two of today’s most significant social trends. In the last year alone, seven states — Florida, Indiana, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia — have followed Arizona’s lead in adopting statewide policies which fund families to educate their children in whatever

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Biden’s Green Agenda Threatens America’s Social Safety Net

With the current inflation rate still well above the Federal Reserve’s 2.0 percent target, it is only natural that critics of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) treated its recent one-year anniversary as an opportunity to once again stress that the bill never had anything to do with inflation. Biden himself has finally admitted as

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Progressivism Has Created a Mental Health Crisis

A recently published paper from the Institute for Family Studies and the Wheatley Institution concludes that people who hold conservative political beliefs, especially those connected to religion and personal responsibility, are significantly happier than people on the political left. In the words of the study’s authors, psychologists Barry R. Schlenker, John Chambers, and Bonnie Le, “[l]iberals have

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The Psychology Book That Predicted Today’s Urban Decline

It’s a question that most Americans who follow the news ask themselves daily: “How can the residents of so many of the nation’s largest cities keep supporting local officials who tolerate the ongoing destruction of their communities?” Why this May, for example, did the citizens of Chicago — a city where 21,000 students cannot demonstrate

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Forget Electric Cars — Sweden’s Building Electric Roads

As President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy begin to square off on a compromise debt ceiling bill, the subsidies in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, for the purchase of electric cars will prove a major, if not the major, sticking point. McCarthy clearly knows that Goldman Sachs, Brookings and other respected observers have predicted that these EV credits

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