Lew Andrews

Woke Schooling Is Psychological Child Abuse

The anti-racism curricula increasingly adopted by America’s K-12 schools contain so much misinformation that the growing backlash against them has predictably focused on course content. Teaching children that the U.S. Constitution was designed by whites to enslave minorities, that modern scientific concepts are tainted by racism, that “right” math answers are a slight to people […]

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Secular Institutions Push America into a Debt Crisis

Like politicians of every age, both Republicans and Democrats have for decades complained about government overspending when out of office, only to resume rewarding their own supporters once back in power—almost always by amounts far above tax revenues. Now, as the resulting public debt ominously exceeds our annual GDP, the question naturally arises: Have we

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Secular Progressivism Doesn’t March Through Institutions — It Props Up Failing Ones

In the United States, the interest groups most strongly associated with neo-Marxist ideas would have been forced to operate more efficiently long ago, had they not assumed the mantle of social justice warriors. What American leftists like to describe as their commitment to greater fairness and equality almost always turns out to be a superficial

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The Immorality of Public School Monopolies in Today’s Political Environment

The argument for school choice—letting parents decide how to spend the public money allocated for their child’s education—has until now rested on two well-documented findings. First, that creating a K-12 education marketplace tends to improve the academic performance of all schools within its region, public and private. And second, that this increase in quality typically comes in

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When Public Funding for Religious Schools Is a Government Windfall

A recently released school reform study in New Jersey promises timely fiscal as well as educational benefits, and not just for the Garden State. Some quick background helps us appreciate the study’s nationwide implications. In 2011, Arizona became the first state to adopt what is called an education savings account, or ESA, policy. ESA plans

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Religion’s Critical Contribution to the Pod and Micro-school Revolution

One of the most striking cultural developments to come out of the COVID pandemic is the greater willingness of families to experiment with alternative schooling. Wishing to provide their children with a more stable learning environment than the erratic re-openings of conventional public and private schools, many parents have joined with neighbors to create collaborative

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The Culture War Over Our Fiscal Crisis

     There seems to be no shortage of explanations these days for America’s unrelenting political polarization: addiction to outrage, populist suspicion of the elites, a psychological preference for revenge over compromise, racial and gender differences, even an epidemic of loneliness that has presumably led to the collapse of online decorum.  But while some of these

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Secular Progressives: the Real Social Darwinists

Ever since New York Governor Mario Cuomo accused Ronald Reagan of practicing “social Darwinism” in a speech at the 1984 Democrat Party convention, progressive politicians have attempted to cast conservative economic policies as sanctioning predatory business practices. But if we were going to judge policies more by their results than by stated intentions, the label

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